Management Search WorldWide uses a revolutionary
new Digital Resume approach that gives you control
over your resume and ensures your career history
is complete, personalized, and easy to maintain.
Based on a new Internet technology, XML (eXtensible
Markup Language) our Resume Builder ensures that
100 percent of the information in your resume
is available to our search consultants. In contrast,
existing resume reading-programs extract only
a limited set of useful information. Be among
the first to translate your traditional resume
into a Digital Resume!
Building a Digital Resume…
Simply answer the questions on the following pages
to build your Digital Resume. This ensures that
your qualifications and potential will be considered
for every appropriate Management Search WorldWide
opportunity. The structure of our Digital Resume
builder is based on the advice of our search consultants.
Click here to read about writing a winning resume!
Pressed for time?
Use these links as shortcuts to provide the minimal
information we need to start the process of matching
you to opportunities.
Career History Outline your job history by listing
the Company, Position, and Dates for each job
you held. You can describe your achievements later,
starting with the current or most recent position.
Industry and Function Identify the categories
that describe your experience and potential. This
helps our consultants associate your resume with
suitable engagements.
Compensation Provide your current salary and other
compensation so that we may match you to opportunities
at the appropriate level.
